A note from the Director…

Thank you for joining us today. As with everyone else, the Hilo Community Players have been impacted by Covid, but we won’t let that stop us from bringing to you quality and meaningful theatre, albeit in the form of a digital film (and a new experience for me).

So why do THIS play? Superficially, it looks like nothing more than a series of monologues told by a few random (and in some cases) decidedly odd, women. Yet, this play that was written almost 40 years ago has a very 2021, post-Covid message, a through-line expounding the need for connection.

We have some hints of backstory with these women; some have been hurt, some have been ignored, some have felt abandoned–but all have found ways to survive. Some of their methods of surviving are more alarming than others, but that just shows how tough these women have had to be, as we all have had to be as we wrestle with this pandemic.

For the last year or so, we’ve walked past people every day, never noticing what’s behind the masks (literal and figurative) that people have worn in order to appear “normal.” How many Marys, Lilas, Alains, and Anna Maes have we thoughtlessly passed by, never knowing or acknowledging the inner strength that keeps them going? What about the invisible but heroic Martis of the world who are willing to give birth to special needs children? We’ll never know about these people until we engage, listen, and connect.

Do we have the time, realistically, to listen to everybody? Probably not, but we can do better. Perhaps it’s someone in your family or maybe an acquaintance who you sense could benefit from some extra attention. Learn about them; help them any way you can. Don’t ignore them. Share. As Alain says near the end of the play, “Let them mark you.” Take the time to talk with them instead of at them.

Mahalo for taking the time to read this and enjoy the show!

-Jennifer Brahms Gardham

Talking With… Tiki Award Ballot

Each season, we award the best performers, directors, technicians, etc in our annual tiki award ceremony. Two Best Actor awards are give for each show by audience choice. Vote now and let your choice be counted! Please vote for your favorite two performers in this production.

Mahalo to our sponsors and filming locations:

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